About Us

Pioneering Sustainable Agriculture and Aquaculture: Delivering Premium Organic Solutions for Optimal Growth and Environmental Health Worldwide.

Choose Brosy Industries for Quality Assurance, Expertise, and a Greener Future in Farming and Aquaculture.

Brosy Industries Private Limited is committed to creating organic, high-quality plants, and aquaculture support products. The global phenomenon of organic farming has gained significant awareness, inspiring us to take a bold step in establishing a Bio-Fertilizer unit in our home state of Assam. Our vision is to provide essential bio inputs to cultivators and the organic farming community while simultaneously reducing the reliance on chemical fertilizers.
Understanding the paramount importance of vitamins for holistic growth, we craft products that strike the perfect balance, granting your plants and aqua life a complete evolution, higher productivity, and improved quality. Our dedication lies in maintaining and enhancing the caliber of the ecosystem with each usage of our products.
At Brosy Industries, we are a modern, innovative, and research-driven organization dedicated to finding solutions for both Agriculture and Aquaculture. Our premium products offer optimized plant nutrition value, ensuring high efficiency, crop suitability, low chloride content, and purity.
With a wide range of products catering to plants, soil, and aqua life, our expertise lies in Bio-Fertilizers, Bio-Pesticides, Growth Promoters, Micronutrients, Soil Boosters, Herbicides, and various aquaculture products like Sodium Percarbonate, Potassium Permanganate, Fish Micronutrients & Growth Promoters, among others.
At Brosy Industries, quality is the essence of our operation. We take immense pride in delivering nothing short of excellence in each product we formulate. Rigorous research and testing are undertaken to ensure that our products meet the highest standards before they reach our customers. Our commitment to 100% assurance and quality certification sets us apart, making us the preferred choice for all your agricultural and aquacultural needs.
Choose Brosy Industries Private Limited for premium products, unmatched expertise in organic farming solutions, and the assurance of delivering the best. Join us in cultivating a greener and sustainable future for agriculture and aquaculture.

Our Services

Nurturing Growth in Agriculture and Aquaculture: Explore our Comprehensive Range of Soil, Fertilizers, and Pesticide Products

Integrated Pest Management

Indiscriminate and injudicious use of chemical pesticides in agriculture has resulted in several associated adverse effects such as environmental pollution, ecological imbalances, pesticides residues in food, fruits and vegetables, fodder, soil and water, pest resurgence, human and animal health hazards, destruction of bio-control agents, development of resistance in pests etc. IPM is an eco-friendly approach which encompasses cultural, mechanical, biological and need based chemical control measures. The IPM approach is being disseminated through various schemes/projects at national and state level.

As we approached 21st century there is increasing demand on organically produced food, conservation of biodiversity, unpolluted environment and sustainable agriculture. To face these challenges, bio-control agents and bio-pesticides have emerged as viable alternatives in pest & diseases control. In spite of the thrust from Govt. of India and Govt. of Assam the adoption of bio-control agents and bio-pesticides as an agro-input by farmers is still in infancy.

Tools of IPM

  • Monitoring: Keep tracks of the pests and their potential damage. This provides knowledge about the current pests and crop situation and is helpful in selecting the best possible combinations of the pest management methods.
  • Pest resistant varieties: Breeding for pest resistance is a continuous process. These are bred and selected when available in order to protect against key pests.
  • Cultural pest control: It includes crop production practices that make crop environment less susceptible to pests. Crop rotation, cover crop, row and plant spacing, planting and harvesting dates, destruction of old crop debris are a few examples. Cultural controls are based on pest biology and development.
  • Mechanical control: These are based on the knowledge of pest behaviour. Hand picking, installation of bird perches, mulching and installation of traps are a few examples.
  • Biological control: These include augmentation and conservation of natural enemies of pests such as insect predators, parasitoids, pathogen and weed feeders. In IPM programes, native natural enemy populations are conserved and non-native agents are released with utmost caution.
  • Chemical control: Pesticides are used to keep the pest population below economically damaging levels when the pests cannot be controlled by other means. It is applied only when the pest's damaging capacity is nearing to the threshold.

Integrated Disease Management

Integrated Disease Management (IDM) is a holistic approach to managing plant diseases that involves combining multiple strategies and practices to effectively control and minimize the impact of diseases on crops. IDM aims to provide sustainable solutions that are environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially acceptable. It emphasizes the integration of various tools, techniques, and practices to create a comprehensive and effective disease management plan. This approach is widely used in agriculture and horticulture to protect crops from diseases while reducing the reliance on chemical interventions.

Key components of Integrated Disease Management

  • Cultural Practices: These involve manipulating the growing environment and crop practices to reduce disease incidence. Examples include selecting disease-resistant crop varieties, using appropriate planting and spacing techniques, optimizing irrigation and nutrient management, and practicing crop rotation.
  • Biological Control: This involves the use of natural enemies such as beneficial microorganisms, predators, parasitoids, and pathogens to suppress disease-causing organisms. For instance, introducing beneficial insects that feed on pest insects can help keep pest populations in check.
  • Chemical Management: While IDM aims to minimize chemical inputs, judicious use of pesticides can be a part of the strategy. However, the emphasis is on using targeted and environmentally friendly pesticides only when necessary, and rotating different classes of chemicals to reduce the risk of resistance development.
  • Cultural and Biological Amendments: Utilizing techniques like crop residue management, composting, and adding beneficial microorganisms to the soil can improve the overall health of the growing environment and suppress disease development.

Plant Nutrient Management

Plant Nutrient Management refers to the maintenance of soil fertility and plant nutrients supply to an optimum level for sustaining the desired productivity through optimization of the benefits from all possible sources of organic, inorganic and biological components in an integrated manner. Brosy Industries Private Limited encourages farmers to follow the principal of conservation agriculture in order to minimize soil disturbance, promoting intercropping and crop rotations and developing a permanent soil cover to minimize the need for chemical fertilizers.

  • Yield-targeted, site-and soil specific
  • Understanding the interrelation of different nutrients
  • Nutrients on a cropping-system / rotation basis; and more specifically
  • Use on-farm and off-farm waste through recycling

Organic Farming

Organic Farming is a form of agriculture that relies on ecosystem management and attempts to reduce or eliminate chemical agricultural inputs. It is a holistic production management system that promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. Organic farming excludes the use of synthetic inputs, such as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

The primary goal of organic farming is to create a healthy and balanced ecosystem that supports the long-term health of soil, plants, animals, and people, while minimizing the use of synthetic inputs such as pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Organic farming relies on natural processes, biodiversity, and ecological principles to promote soil fertility, pest and disease management, and overall farm sustainability.

Urban Farming

Urban farming, also known as urban agriculture, refers to the practice of growing, cultivating, and producing food and other agricultural products within urban or suburban areas. This can take place in various forms, such as rooftop gardens, community gardens, indoor hydroponic systems, vertical farms, and more. Urban farming is gaining popularity as a response to challenges like population growth, food security concerns, limited access to fresh produce, and the desire for more sustainable and locally sourced food options.

Types of Urban Farming:

  • Rooftop Gardens: Utilizing rooftops of buildings to create green spaces for planting crops.
  • Community Gardens: Shared garden spaces where community members collectively grow vegetables, herbs, and fruits.
  • Vertical Farms: Multi-level indoor farms that use hydroponic, aeroponic, or aquaponic systems to grow crops in a controlled environment.
  • Container Gardening: Growing plants in containers on balconies, patios, or even windowsills.
  • Hydroponics and Aquaponics: Soilless systems that use nutrient-rich water to grow plants (hydroponics) or combine fish farming with plant cultivation (aquaponics).
  • Indoor Farming: Growing crops indoors using artificial lighting and controlled environmental conditions.

Benefits of Urban Farming:

  • Food Security: Urban farming can contribute to local food production, reducing the reliance on distant agricultural sources.
  • Fresh Produce: Residents have access to freshly harvested, nutritious produce.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Urban farms can reduce the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances.
  • Green Space: Urban farming can enhance aesthetics, biodiversity, and air quality in urban areas.
  • Community Building: Community gardens and urban farms foster social interaction, skill-sharing, and a sense of ownership.
  • Educational Opportunities: Urban farming offers learning experiences about agriculture, nutrition, and sustainability.
  • Economic Opportunities: Urban farmers can generate income by selling produce to local markets or restaurants.

Challenges of Urban Farming:

  • Limited Space: Urban areas often have limited land available for farming, requiring creative solutions.
  • Resource Constraints: Water and energy resources can be limited, especially in densely populated cities.
  • Zoning and Regulations: Local regulations may restrict agricultural activities in urban areas.
  • Initial Investment: Setting up urban farming systems can require financial investments in equipment and infrastructure.
  • Expertise: Successful urban farming often requires specialized knowledge in areas like hydroponics, pest management, and plant nutrition.


Due to the shortage of land it is not possible to cultivate the agriculture crops in cities, but there is huge requirement of the agriculture produce in urban locations. Hydroponics is best technology for the agriculture cultivation where soil is not available. It can be cultivated on the roof top in the hilly area, on the concrete floor. Hydroponics is a subset of hydro culture and is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only or in an inert medium, such as perlite, gravel, mineral wool, expanded clay or coconut husk.

As we approached 21st century there is increasing demand on organically produced food, conservation of biodiversity, unpolluted environment and sustainable agriculture. To face these challenges, bio-control agents and bio-pesticides have emerged as viable alternatives in pest & diseases control. In spite of the thrust from Govt. of India and Govt. of Assam the adoption of bio-control agents and bio-pesticides as an agro-input by farmers is still in infancy.

Some of the reasons why hydroponics is being adapted around the world for food production are the following:

  • Easy to Grow & Cultivate
  • Stable and high yields
  • 80% less water than Traditional Farming
  • Pesticides Free Farming
  • It is easier to harvest
  • Chemicals free Farming
  • IOT enabled Farming (Smart Farming)
  • No personal presence needed

Types of Hydroponic Systems:

  • Water Culture (DWC): Plants are suspended in a nutrient solution with their roots submerged in the solution. Air pumps provide oxygen to the roots.
  • Nutrient Film Technique (NFT): A thin film of nutrient solution flows over the roots, providing nutrients and oxygen. Excess solution is collected and recirculated.
  • Drip System: Nutrient solution is delivered to the plants through a network of tubes and drippers, either directly onto the root system or onto a growing medium.
  • Ebb and Flow (Flood and Drain): The growing medium periodically floods with nutrient solution, and then drains, allowing for oxygen to reach the roots.
  • Aeroponics: Plant roots are suspended in air, and nutrient solution is delivered as a fine mist. This method maximizes oxygen exposure to the roots.

Our Products

Nurturing Growth in Agriculture and Aquaculture: Explore our Comprehensive Range of Soil, Fertilizers, and Pesticide Products

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Transform your farming and aquaculture ventures with us. Take advantage of our exceptional products and expert knowledge to maximize your yields, minimize your efforts, and contribute to a greener tomorrow.

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Explore the World of Agriculture and Aquaculture

  • Discover how our innovative aquacultural solutions promote sustainable practices, enhance aquatic environments, and ensure healthy yields.
  • Explore how our cutting-edge agricultural technologies empower farmers to optimize crop growth, conserve resources, and maximize productivity.
  • Hear from our satisfied customers who have achieved remarkable success with our products. Learn how our solutions have transformed their aquaculture and agriculture endeavors.

Frequently Asked Questions

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We offer a comprehensive range of products to support agriculture and aquaculture, including Plant Growth Promoters, Bio Fertilizers, Bio Pesticides, Bio Fungicides, Micronutrients, Soil Conditioners, Suspension Concentrates, and Probiotics. Our products are designed to nurture growth and enhance yields in these industries.

Yes, our products are formulated with a strong commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible farming practices. They are designed to minimize harm to the environment while promoting healthy crop growth and aquaculture systems. We prioritize eco-friendly solutions for sustainable agriculture and aquaculture.

You can purchase our products through our authorized distributors and retailers. Please call us on the number provided in contact us section for further assistance and inquiries.

Absolutely! We are committed to helping you get the most out of our products. Our website offers detailed product information and usage guidelines. Additionally, our customer support team is available to answer any specific questions you may have and provide guidance on proper product application for optimal results.

Yes, we are committed to environmentally sustainable agriculture. Our Bio Fertilizers, Bio Pesticides, and Bio Fungicides are formulated with eco-friendly ingredients that promote healthy crop growth while minimizing harm to the environment. We prioritize sustainable farming practices to protect both your crops and the planet.

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H/No. 10, Dr. B. Borooah Road, Ulubari, Guwahati, Kamrup(M), Assam, 781007




+91 - 8638198860 / 8134957275